How To Find Your Purpose
A Japanese secret kept for 1,200 years!
In a world filled with endless distractions and the allure of instant pleasures, the pursuit of finding one's true purpose in life has become more critical than ever. While temporary indulgences can provide momentary satisfaction, they often lead to a sense of emptiness and an unfulfilled longing for something deeper. This misalignment with your true purpose compounds into regret, relationship strain, identity crisis, depression and has a huge impact on your physical health.
Life isn’t about making a living; it’s about making a life worth living. Replacing fleeting pleasures with long-term purpose leads to a sense of individual identity, increased confidence, enhanced well-being, greater motivation and improved resilience. The journey towards purpose is deeply rooted in the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai, a concept that illuminates the path to a fulfilling and meaningful existence.
Stop working on things that make you feel empty, lost and confused. Ikigai represents the intersection between passion, mission, vocation and profession. It is a practical philosophy that literally means ‘your reason for being’! Take your time. Do some research or ask a friend if a question stumps you.
Here is the step by step system to find your personal reason for being:
1. What Do You Love?
List three things that you love to do:
Prompt questions:
- What makes you happy and satisfied?
- What do you do in your free time?
- What activities have you found to be most fulfilling and successful?
- What or who do you care about?
- What would make you smile on Monday morning
2. What does the world need?
List three things you think are needed in the world:
Prompt Questions:
- What can I do to make the world a better place?
- What is one thing I would like to change?
- Do some research. What comes up?
3. What can you be paid for?
List three things you can get paid for:
Prompt Questions:
- What jobs do I find interesting?
- What positions are available?
- Can I create a position to fulfil a need?
- What do people need done?
4. What are you really good at?
List three things you are great at:
Prompt Questions:
- Consider what you are naturally drawn to and what comes easily to you?
- What have you done well in or achieved in the past?
- Is it a sport, specific task, negotiating, talking to people?
- What do people compliment you on?
As you embark on the journey to discover your Ikigai, remember that it's not an endpoint but a lifelong pursuit. It will show you the direction and keep you grounded. The search for purpose is a dynamic and evolving process, and it's perfectly okay to pivot and explore new paths.
In the end, aligning your life with your Ikigai brings a sense of deep fulfilment, satisfaction, and a life well-lived. It's a reminder that each day is an opportunity to live with intention, passion, and meaning, and that your unique purpose is waiting to be uncovered and embraced. So, go forth and embrace your Ikigai with open arms, for it holds the key to a life of true alignment and purpose.
Now, you’ve probably come up with a familiar answer. Something you do in your spare time or speak about often. A recurring theme during your daydreams. The reality is that you were subconsciously scared to give it an ‘honest to god’ try due to:
You can only truly discover your Ikigai by taking action. Let’s do it together.
5. Action
List three actions you can take over the next week to begin making a change towards your purposeful life:
Prompt Actions:
List five things the person I am now must accomplish to become the person I want to be
Consider taking a class, volunteering or switching careers
Create a pros and cons list for my new Ikigai and compare it to a list of where I am now
Make the change now!
Just remember, there is always a way. ALWAYS.
Speak soon,
P.S. If you have any questions, my newsletter Creative Performance™ covers purpose, creativity, strategy and teaches people how to become irreplaceable in both work and life. It’s free to sign up and once you are a member we can speak over email!